medusa libyan goddess

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Fittingly, a great hero was dispatched to kill her. Really the whole idea of the African medusa figure is based off of a single historian, Martin Bernel, and his work Black Athena, which posits that the Goddess Athena, as well as the entirety of Greek language and culture are derived from African roots rather than Indo-European roots, as well as For this reason. Other gods played an indirect role in the heros victory. She may also be accessed as a living goddess by those seeking menstrual, serpentine mysteries. Dreadlocks? Probably not although that hairstyle wasnt unknown in the Mediterranean. More likely the snakes were inspired by a head-dress that the King Polydektes of Seriphos once commanded the hero Perseus to fetch her head. He wears a golden mask modeled after her face and trounced Percy in combat. except it's just Tamagotchi School's nurse Mrs. Houtaiko rather than Medusatchi, A deleted subplot would have had Athena and Apollo conspiring to help Perseus behind the other gods' backs; presumably having Athena be the one who cursed her would have put her in. 11(. There are some variations of the myth in which, despite what wad done to her by Athena, Medusa continued to be faithful and committing rituals for Athena in private since she's, In 2nd edition, medusas are a race resembling elven maidens with serpents for hair and the ability to petrify with their gaze, even affecting creatures on the Ethereal or Astral Planes (into which they can see). Combining both of the classical Medusa origin stories, this Medusa is the youngest of the three Gorgon sisters who desecrated the resident Athena. iv. [84][85] Daniel Ogden argues that one of her possible reincarnations, the monster of Argos killed by Coroebus had a "scaly gait", indicating she must have had an anguipedal form in an early version of the story,[86] although the Latin text in Statius merely reads inlabi (declension of labor) meaning "slides". 5 She may also manifest as a mermaid. She went against her vow and married him. A gypsy curse associated with him has Lamia torment the victim for three days before having its minions drag them into Hell to burn in its fires for all eternity. [e][29] Lamia was in some versions thus seen as swallowing children alive, and there may have existed some nurse's tale that told of a boy extracted alive out of a Lamia. Medusa heads are a recurring enemy in the games, with the gold variant able to inflict a. Medusas appear as mooks in many of the games, particularly the earlier ones. Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses Written by Judika Illes Copyright 2009 by Judika Illes. Like many Greek monsters in mythology, killing Medusa was a task assigned to a semi-divine hero. All three were so hideous, that the shock of seeing them would turn anyone into stone, which When he describes a festival of Osiris at Siwa, for example, he calls the god Dionysus, because of some minor parallels with Greek Dionysiac festivals (2.4749). [42][38] The use of the term lamia in this sense is however considered atypical by one commentator. And that Centaur-Gorgon -- I know it's famous as you say, but I think it's decades since I last saw a picture of it! Both sexes resemble the scaly humanoid from 3rd edition, though with less haggish features. I felt the question about Medusa being a Goddess was closed in my mind, then I saw an altar for Medusa the other day and wanted to know if anyone else had another opinion. One development stage of jellyfish is named after Medusa, and jellyfishes are called Medusa in several languages. Lamia is the main antagonist in the 2009 horror movie Drag Me to Hell voiced by Art Kimbro. It is covered with scales all over. As an infant he was cast into the sea in a chest with his mother by Acrisius, to whom it had been prophesied that he would be killed by his grandson. And then there are some that offer a compromise and state that she was both beautiful and terrible at the same time. This is interesting and suggests that Medusa was a myth imported from Libya. She doesn't appear that often in media made before the 80s. When Medusa is used in fiction as a unique being rather than as a species, she is typically given either one of these two origins, or no origin at all. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : The famous snakes in her hair, for example, are similar to the snakes that are part of many other monsters like Typhon. The ancient Greco-Roman imagination gradually shifted the Gorgons home, from an island in the Atlantic, eastwards to the African mainland: perhaps in Morocco, perhaps at the Strait of Gibraltar. Athena lent him her aegis so he could look at Medusas reflection rather than risk seeing her directly. Medusa's popularity is somewhat Newer Than They Think. Contains spam, fake content or potential malware. The Traditional Story of Medusa. In the anime Monster Musume, the character Miia is a lamia. Snakes are traditionally associated with menstruation. With help from other Olympian Gods and Goddesses he was successful, but Medusas death was not the end of her. The involvement of other gods, however, made the destruction of Medusa seem like a high priority. The poets stated that she [22], John Keats's Lamia in his Lamia and Other Poems is a reworking of the tale in Apollonius's biography by Philostratus, described above. Thanks for the comment and the Quora link. There exists a genus of horned dinosaur named after Medusa called. 490 BCE (British Museum, McDaniel, S. 2020. One theory puts forward the idea that Medusa is representative of a pre-Greek goddess of the region. They saw parallels between the punishment and isolation the Gorgon faced for her own assault and the way women are so often maligned for the mistreatment they endure. Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses. 1495.). Kibin does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the essays in the library; essay content should not be construed as advice. Even once she does start having snaky hair in Greek art, the snakes are most commonly entwined in her hair, rather than her hair itself.I do have one minor disagreement with what you've said, which is that you make it sound like Medusa can only possibly become Berber and she can't possibly become Maasai. Like his brother Zeus, Poseidon fathered In both versions, Athena, pissed that her priestess not only broke her vows but did the nasty in her temple, punished her by turning her into her new hideous form and banished her to a desolate island until Perseus slew her. [104], In a 1909 painting by Herbert James Draper, the Lamia who moodily watches the serpent on her forearm appears to represent a hetaera. One of mythologys most terrible monsters may have originally been a goddess. When Perseus was sent to kill Medusa, a hopeless task he was not expected to survive, Athena orchestrated the assassination. Diodorus Siculus (fl. Medusa embodies menstruations protective powers. WebMedusa was originally a Libyan Goddess, worshiped by The Amazons as their Serpent-Goddess. [65][66], One evidence this may be a double of the Lamia comes from Plutarch, who equates the word empousa with poin. : The most popular is that of a hideous monster; in fact, the petrification originally was caused by Medusa's ugliness itself, before other myths retconned it into being a power based in her eyes. She also happens to be the source of the cast's eye powers and creator of the Kagerou Daze world. [46], Another aspect of her powers is that this empusa/lamia is able to create an illusion of a sumptuous mansion, with all the accoutrements and even servants. Athena wore Medusas head on her aegis and shield. Both girls cultivated the military life, which once led them into contentious dispute. Athena was sent to a foundry in North Africa to be raised by a Cyclops. She vowed to be celibate her entire life as a priestess of Athena until she fell in love with Poseidon. Reading example essays works the same way! Her head never lost its power to turn those who looked at it to stone, and was placed on Athenas shield to ward off evil. He did so with the help of many of the pantheons powerful gods. In almost all versions, Medusa is humanoid (occasionally, she has a snake tail instead of legs) and Always Female. What hooks you? In some versions, the removable eye belonged to the three Gorgons, Medusa and her sisters. Hamilton, H.C.; Falconer, W. Nowadays, scholars of ancient religion know better than to take it as evidence that one god is derived from the other. Another double of the Libyan Lamia may be Lamia, daughter of Poseidon. In some versions, we'll never know if it was consensual. Of the three sisters only Medousa was mortal. All of his heroic actions could be seen as reflections of his fathers power. Cute Monster Girl variety. But it does seem to me that it isnt Berber people who want to claim Medusa. None of us can say we know everything about the gods or goddess so none of us should be putting down other people's opinions. Its partly the doing of Arab invaders in the mediaeval period; partly the doing of 20th century French colonial strategy in Morocco and Algeria, casting Berber and Arab as non-overlapping categories so as to divide and conquer to foster strong Berber support for the French presence (Moore 1974: 384; see also, in much greater detail, Rouighi 2019a, esp. Northern Africa with modern names and borders (top), and with ancient Greek names (bottom). No books written in ancient Berber languages have survived to the present day (though we do have a bit over a thousand inscriptions). My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Where does the myth of Medusa come from?, Moore, C. H. 1974. Clash of the Titans (1981) (mentioned below) featured her as one of the monsters and it has been said that modern generations owe their knowledge of Medusa to the film. Other details appear in different sources: Medusa was originally a beautiful woman who was transformed; she remained beautiful (but deadly) after her transformation; she was a rape victim, and cursed by Athena; her head was set on the shield of Athena; and so on. Lib () was the ancient Greek name for the entirety of the Maghreb, that is, northern Africa all the way from the Strait of Gibraltar to what is now western Egypt. What makes you cringe? Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand, (Apollonius Rhodius 4.1493, Hyginus Fab 14). [37][36], A representative example is Philostratus's novelistic biography Life of Apollonius of Tyana.[37]. The helm that belonged to Hades was not kept in the Underworld, but by the Hesperides nymphs. This is given in the concluding paragraph of the chapter. It alludes to Plutarch's use of the term in De curiositate, where the Greek writer suggests that the term Lamia is emblematic of meddlesome busybodies in society. The story of Medusa seems to obviously be one of a terrible monster. [44][40] It has been suggested from this discourse that the creature was therefore "literally a snake". Athena was one and the same with Pallas and Medusa. The examples are Aristophanes's reference to the "lamia's testicles", the scent of the monsters in the Libyan myth which allowed the humans to track down their lair, and the terrible stench of their urine that lingered in the clothing of Aristomenes, which they showered upon him after carving out his friend Sophocles's heart. Medusa teaches us to know and love ourselves outside of the expectations of patriarchal society. Kibin, 2023, An Ionian Greek city could change its ethnicity by changing its dialect and clothing styles. "), "The Views on Medusa Goddess in Mythology." 1st century BC) gave a de-mythologized account of Lamia as a queen of Libya who ordered her soldiers to snatch children from their mothers and kill them, and whose beauty gave way to bestial appearance due to her savageness. [1.2] ATHENE, PALLAS (by Triton) (reconstructed from Apollodorus 3.144) Thats clear from his description of the ethnic mix at Siwa (2.43): he tells us that the people there were a mix of colonists from Egypt and Ethiopia, and they customarily use speech that is in between both. He was well aware of ethnic differences between Siwa and the Nile valley, but interpreted them in terms that were familiar to him. Most frequently, only her severed head is depicted. Its entirely up to Berber people to decide whether Medusa is African today. [75], This Lamia of Libya has her double in Lamia-Sybaris of the legend around Delphi, both indirectly associated with serpents. For Apollonius in speech declares that the seductress is "one of the empousai, which most other people would call lamiai and mormolykeia". Her image was used in Byzantine Greece to protect pregnant women and newborns. Like many monsters, the Gorgons lived in a cave at the far edge of the world. [101], In modern Greek folk tradition, the Lamia has survived and retained many of her traditional attributes. The heads of both figures are inhuman, which is used to convey their monstrousness. The queen, as related by Diodorus, was born in a cave. Except there is a lot of evidence to the contrary that she wasn't worshiped but used as an apotropaic symbol. Although, in the most well known myth written by the Roman poet Ovid, Medusa was born extremely beautiful and human-like. According to some historians, it may have been because Medusa herself was once a goddess. Originally a character in Classical Mythology, Medusa has taken a life of her own, and now exists in all kinds of fantasy sometimes as a person, sometimes as an entire species. Herodotus, Histories 4. We cant be confident how old any of these elements are which ones were understood as part of a standard canonical story, and which ones were invented by individual writers. Note that the Erinnyes (Furiae) were depicted very similarly as hideous snake-haired women. On his way back to Greece he paused in the Maghreb and turned the Titan Atlas to stone. He identifies the Greek Perseus with an Egyptian cult in the city of Chemmis, and writes as if all of Libya and Egypt are in the same direction from Greece: Herodotus always calls Egyptian divinities by Greek names, when he can. [citation needed]. At the moment of her death, two sons sprung from her blood: Pegasus (the famed winged horse) and Chrysaor. [25], The "Lamia" was a bogeyman or bugbear term, invoked by a mother or a nanny to frighten children into good behavior. : Perseus used it as a weapon before surrendering it to Athena. Yeah, I wrote that article in part to answer this question for myself and to do research for a book I am working on about Goddess Athena. The female are the classic medusa, pretty much the same as in the previous edition except that she can now un-petrify her victims by applying a drop of her own blood. Much later, in the first decade AD, the Roman poet Ovid wrote a different version where Medusa was a virgin priestess of Athena, but her incredible beauty attracted the attentions of the god Poseidon. A Roman-era mythographic text describes the Gorgons as follows: Perseus escaped from the other two Gorgons using the cap of Hades. It has been recorded more recently by Rumon Gamba conducting the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra for Chandos Records in a 2019 release of British tone poems. [21][d] This was later incorporated into Edward Topsell's 17th-century envisioning of the lamia. It's founded on a distortion, but as you say, myths are malleable. Feminist writers of the 20th century began to see reflections of themselves and other women in the fate of Medusa. ", "Raised by Wolves: Mother's Real Name Has TERRIFYING Implications", "10 Lamia, Slain by Eurybatus and Others", "The Sweepings of Lamia: Transformations of the Myths of Lilith and Lamia", "Magic and Vampirism in Philostratus' Life of Apollonius of Tyana and Bram Stoker's Dracula",, Articles with Latin-language sources (la), Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 12:19. Poets and scholars of all ages knew Her as the Goddess Neith. Other myths say that Medusa retained her mortal beauty, as a cruel Irony. The sisters Sthenno and Euryale were immortal but the third, Medusa, was mortal. If this is the case, Medusa would not be the only figure for whom this is true. 14. The monster in the heroic story could symbolize a pre-Greek religion. (2023). The basis of this identification is the variant maternities of scylla, sometimes ascribed to Lamia (as already mentioned), and sometimes to Hecate. [63], One of the doubles of Lamia of Libya is the Lamia-Sybaris, which is described only as a giant beast by Antoninus Liberalis (2nd century). Medusa is a powerful symbol today, as powerful as ever whether you imagine her as the monstrous demon of early Greek art, the beautiful woman of Hellenistic-era literature, or the cursed rape victim in Ovids epic poetry. [19][b][c], Aristophanes wrote in two plays an identically worded list of foul-smelling objects which included the "Lamia's testicles", thus making Lamia's gender ambiguous. [43], Regarding the seductress, Apollonius further warned, "you are warming a snake (ophis) on your bosom, and it is a snake that warms you". [3] Modern scholarship reconstructs a Proto-Indo-European stem *lem-, "nocturnal spirit", whence also comes lemures. Some interpretations argue that Medusa was a Libyan goddess who was equated with Athena before the Greeks defeated them and, Another origin is that Medusa and her sisters were so beautiful that they angered Athena by bragging about being more beautiful than the goddess, in any case, Athena turned them into monsters so hideous men would turn to stone if they looked at them. It is referred to as Poine or Ker[60] in classical sources, but later in the Medieval period, one source does call it a lamia (First Vatican Mythographer, c. 9th to 11th century).[61][62]. Let us know! Check out our Privacy and Content Sharing policies for more information.). The intercourse of men and women there is promiscuous; they do not cohabit but have intercourse like cattle. Some nymphs in Greek mythology were famous, but others were only known in a certain time Hecate Greek Goddess of Witchcraft : The Complete Guide. I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. ", Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4. She is a goddess of menstrual power and hence female power. Lamia by Zeus gave birth to a Sibyl according to Pausanias, and this would have to be the Libyan Lamia, yet there is a tradition that Lamia the daughter of Poseidon was the mother of a Sibyl. This, of course, indicates that, in the time period when the myth of Medusa is first attested, her having snakes for hair was not seen as integral to her character. She was doing nothing wrong, living on an island and defending herself after being cursed by the gods, but even then still got killed by some do-gooder hero with a hard on for rulership. Once upon a time, in the ancient world, Medusa was little more than a terrifying monster. The story was re-enacted by the Makhlyes and Ausean tribes in an annual festival. The other two sisters appear extremely rarely, but are sometimes included alongside Medusa when she's a singular character. Myths and stories with background for Medusa were added later. Historical evidence and contemporary meaning need to be dealt with in different ways. Short answer: no. Long answer:Medusa is part of Greek mythology which has existed longer than the current misinformation of her being an African Go Medusa's appearance varies depending on what source you're reading. Such is their tale. Medusa is not just a minor sea spirit. I have no doubt that a spirit could appear adopting the name and visage of Medusa, I just think it is good to be cognizant that worship of Medusa is thoroughly modern and did not occur in the past. In the earliest stories, Lamia was a beautiful queen of Ancient Libya who had an affair with Zeus. I don't object to you removing the last sentence at all. Lamia receives a section in Georgios Megas and Helen Colaclides, "The Odes: Just where do you draw the line? She also resembles Polyphe the Okeanis mother of Athena by Poseidon, and the goddess Amphitrite. The Gorgons may have originally represented a similar triple goddess cult. The ancient Greek origin is that she and her fellow Gorgons were simply created/born that way. WebSome believed that Medusa was the Libyan Goddess, Neith, who was the Goddess of Hunting and War. Unlikely, it is possible that the character of Medusa may have derived from some form of early snake goddess worship, with possible relations to an After a long journey he found the Gorgons asleep, and successfully beheaded Medusa. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Besides having serpents for hair, the Gorgons were described as having tusks, brazen claws, wings and strongly acidic blood; in a few very early depictions they are shown as quadrupeds, possibly because Pegasus was born out of Medusa's blood when she was beheaded by Perseus., ("The Views on Medusa Goddess in Mythology. "The Views on Medusa Goddess in Mythology." The story of Medusa is one of the most well-known in Greek mythology. Perhaps instead of a monster, she was an example of how painfully demonized feminine people have been for embracing themselves and their power. The image of her severed head remains a powerful protective amulet. Her features are common of Greek monsters. Lamia has been ascribed serpentine qualities, which some commentators believe can be firmly traced to mythology from antiquity; they have found analogues in ancient texts that could be designated as lamiai (or lamiae) which are part-serpent beings. Lamia (/lemi/; Greek: ), in ancient Greek mythology, was a child-eating monster and, in later tradition, was regarded as a type of night-haunting spirit (daemon). Some historians also believe that the existence of three Gorgons is further evidence to support this theory. Her symbols were a shield that frequently appeared above her head in WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for MEDUSA BROOCH Pin Gorgo Snake Hair Greek Mythology Gold Tone Costume Jewelry at the best online prices at eBay! WebMedusa teaches us to know and love ourselves outside of the expectations of patriarchal society. If Medusa is African at all, shes going to be Berber. [14][15], Diodorus's rationalization was that the Libyan queen in her drunken state was as if she could not see, allowing her citizens free rein for any conduct without supervision, giving rise to the folk myth that she places her eyes in a vessel. Medusa Medusa was a Libyan Goddess who was worshiped by The Amazons. [28] Horace in Ars Poetica cautions against the overly fantastical: "[nor should a story] draw a live boy out of a Lamia's belly". Coral is allegedly Medusas blood, which spilled into the sea and was petrified. In fourth edition, medusae are a species in the usual sense, with both males and females. Sometimes, however, she is portrayed as a living woman. Nowadays Siwa is mostly Berber. Athena was once part of the Trinity of Snake Goddesses however the Grecos wanted to separate themselves from other regions so they demonized the Goddess Neith Athena Feather Studied the myths extensively Author has 168 answers and 111.6K answer views 2 y Im not sure what answer you want. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4. Even the name Berber is generally thought to be an imposition from the Latin language either directly, from Latin barbarus, or indirectly, via mediaeval Arabic . Medusa is usually portrayed as the monster she became after her transformation by Athena. 2. Some modern astrologers suggest that this star is associated with female power and the reemergence of the feminine divine. WebMedusa is not just a minor sea spirit. Will also delete on comment score of -1 or less. 180.) [j][51], In Apuleius's The Golden Ass[k] there appear the Thessalian "witches"[l] Meroe and her sister Panthia, who are called lamiae in one instance. Poseidon, especially attracted to her voluptuous hair, assaulted her in the temple of Athena. They are not strictly speaking "witches", but they are referred to as such by convention. And perhaps you may remember from your youth; the primary antagonist of the 1997 animated film The Rescuers, was a greedy pawnshop owner, known as Madame Medusa. [73] Pope Gregory I (d. 604)'s exegesis on the Book of Job explains that the lamia represented either heresy or hypocrisy. In this story she is a powerful monster whom Perseus defeats by decapitating her (and later using her head to petrify enemies) without looking at her he sticks to looking at her shadow or looking through a mirrored shield, depending on the version. And those analogues that exhibit a serpentine form or nature have been especially noted. Myths are malleable, after all. And then, there's the 2021 Amazon Prime commercial in which Medusa buys sunglasses, and becomes the life of the party (but doesn't hesitate to petrify someone who is annoying her and her new friends). The pigeonholes arent designed with Berber people in mind even though Berbers are regularly pigeonholed as black by both white supremacists and black afrocentrists. Available via Live Chat Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm EST Email Us anytime at 44 ] [ 38 ] the use of the Libyan Goddess, worshiped by the Makhlyes and Ausean in. 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In a cave at the same with Pallas and Medusa this discourse that the existence of three Gorgons, is! - Friday 9am - 6pm EST Email us anytime at info @ the that. As follows: Perseus escaped from the other two Gorgons using the of! Was used in Byzantine Greece to protect pregnant women and newborns to obviously be one of a monster she! For Medusa were added later heroic story could symbolize a pre-Greek Goddess of the 20th century began to reflections... Task he was successful, but are sometimes included alongside Medusa when she 's a singular character puts forward idea. Who desecrated the resident Athena medusa libyan goddess Seriphos once commanded the hero Perseus to fetch her head she 's singular... And scholars of all ages knew her as the monster she became after her transformation by Athena by Athena,...

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