how to annoy neighbors who smoke

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Tells my husband to go out in the street so he can kill him. For example, if your problem is a crying infant at night, try sound proofing your walls. Throwing of heavy object down the stairs. Now I have 2 court dates because I am being accused of communicating a threat! I let him know that it was not me, but the neighbors on the other side whom talk to the 18 y.o. No joke now 25 people live in a 3 bedroom 2200 ft home. Submit Complaints. 12. Create a haven, such as putting them in an interior room with their favorite cushions, toys, and blankets. washing machine, tv, stereo onto party wall and use often and at antisocial hours. The grass and leaves are still soaked at this hour! Yes, totally brilliant, people are usally not bad, but due to some reasons , they are just craps, fuck them, they are just screwed me down for over 8 years, and now it's my turn, thanks for the ideas,now i guarantee they will never exist from now. Don't accuse; let them know how the problem bothers you and suggest ways to solve it together. I have arthritis in my feet which affects my balance, and late-on-set MS, which affects my balance, I have glaucoma and a heart condition and I have a nasty neighbour, my age, that always has something nasty to say to me whenever she feels like speaking directly to me. Be sure and give them food and water. Inside the shrubbery along the walk way to the door. 17. For example, if they are married hire a hooker off craigslist to visit one hour before you know the wife goes out to work, that should make their marriage somewhat rocky and provided you.called via an untracable service, you are in the clear. Proceed to #1 and start again. Have it peeking through the curtains. The evil old witch neighbor and her stalkers never met my late brother and my late brother never met them, so why are they harassing his grave and harassing us when we go visit him on his birthday and his death date? :D. Some of these pranks will get you shot. Upgrade to a diffuser and clean burning soy candles like Cannabolish. 7. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. Sic the solicitors on them. Then run like heck because chances are they are probably pissed and will be waiting for you on the other side of the door. The second big way to annoy RV campground neighbors is to tie your dog up at your campsite, then ignore her. Not only will this be hard to clean up but it will attract more wild animals to your neighbor's yard. You could mow your lawn very early in the morning. Any little nasty thing they can do they will. 2. b) Neglect your wooden fences. Place a trail of sugar to your neighbors front porch! (if applicable) Buy a banger car and block their drive with it. So, i put cameras up. When they try to upset you laugh. If that also doesn't work in your situation, you can consider bringing in filtered make up air (see below section). Have fun! A really fat dude with a plumber butt living in the garage behind me and would routinely pull all of his schtuff out of the garage have a picnic then put it all back EVERYDAY for a few days then proceeded to make his home sweet home with an extension chord running to the community laundry. Make sure it is not easy-listening music. Each one of these breaks city bylaw codes and could bring some hefty fines Or are just plain illegal Drug your neighbour, really??? Arrogant duche. Well the dad asked me one day when I was out back trying to get one of my dogs to come inside - if I had called animal control. And it's clearly very much a part of their daily routine. Neighbors' second hand smoke. Many do things on your list and to have to go and talk to each of them will infuriate me to the point of not being civil. I was knocking on the door telling them to move their car so that I can get out. The men's voice were loud as they were yelling and laughing loudly. What law makes you think you can tell people what methods they can cook on their land? She hasn't been outside as much lately, and it's wonderful. I have sn entitled neighbor. Homeowners and renters can take action against cigarette-smoking neighbors. Once we got things straight and I let him know where to go to find an inexpensive fix for his entryway gate. Also, you can get a similar effect from having a massive bonfire in your backyard.". Instead, comfort your dog and observe him to prevent anxiety chewing or other harmful behaviors. Our pool in in back where they would flip around on a golf cart on our property behind their house over and over while we are enjoying our family time. And then there is my complex. Put lots of tacks in the yard in the spot he keeps visiting. If that is not possible you will want to provide easy access to make up air through a window that is not on the side of the building where the fragrance, smoke, or pesticides are coming from. Take matters into your own hands. They had a housewarming party a few weeks before this incident which they not only never extended an invitation to us to be neighborly, they thought it was ok to have their guests park on our front lawn so sucking up to me to just use the pool didn't work. These days, it's smooth sailing. "Getting your neighbor to Move???? Im not against dogs but when they attack, thats enough. Be sure the wind is blowing in the direction of your neighbors open windows. 9 Ideas How to Annoy Upstairs Neighbors Legally. I did as she was screaming like a crazy lady. When she is outside while we are, we will hum the tune of the song and pretend to stomp like an elephant. Call a truce. ", 15. These neighbors won't see you coming because they are too self-absorbed. You would definitely get a disgusting odor going but you would end up smelling it too. I own my home, I keep my clean theirs is a shitbox and I spent 5 years getting the street parking signage fix only to have these 24 something suit themselves! He's related to the goddamned sheriff. He has the manicured lawn, retired and devotes 24/7 of his time to his home. Parents who dont watch their kids are neglecting them. My neighbours are super loud and practice barfing noises 24/7. He said she didn't want to but felt concerned. It bugged me, but not to extent to call animal control. So when ever demon child throws his tantrums we hear the entirety of it. This kid is 2-3 years of age. I would like to know where to purchase one of these or something similar as i just found out that schools in my area will not be opening so it means street hockey with pucks pinging my car and house and soccer so balls will be hitting my windows all to the glee of the parents who think their kids are so athletically gifted. The thing is: her dog is allowed outside at any time of the day. so go figure. For some reason, he enjoys idling and revving the engine for what seems like hours, but is just many minutes. Then use your device to blast music into the speakers at random times during the day. Im playing my drums tonight, in the backyard so that it doesnt bother the other neighbors as much. When the delivery boy finally arrives, your neighbor would be taken aback. Early the very next morning, I was on my back deck and I hear " hey! It is an ultrasonic noise machine that emits a decibel that kids and i think people under 30 find unbearable. Now one of the sons has picked up a weed habit and smokes so much pot is fills up my entire side of the duplex. This was years and years ago. There is no need to be so hateful. Cant stand entirled ppl. Nothing ever happens to him. just for the fun of it! Tell them your neighbor is shy and might need some coaxing to admit it! Now they still watch us in the pool and just glare at us. @SumerRayne, such effort your comment holds, but the disclaimer stated quite clearly this is purely satire all in alleged "good fun" not my cup of tea to be vengeful, but seriously, SR chill. 21. But funny thing is as evil as they are and that was just an example of some of what they do , I feel sorry for people to have such a dark heart and hatred. Anonymous in Upstate NY on August 02, 2020: I have a neighbor that breaks every rule the landlord sets. Its a neiusence in the neighborhood very embarrassing to alway have the cops up here and not nessesary to bother cops with this stupid shit when they have other things to do. Do ring the bell multiple times and raise your voices as loudly as you can; you can be sure to get the attention that you deserve. That way when it gets windy, your neighbors won't be able to get a quiet moment. Well she STOMPS too. I mean poor thing.. why should the dog bark for so long, they are not happy to be in such state. Also- keep in mind that some people are mean and dont care about animals, they'll might try to poison them. Guess they are both Frustrated. 1. The cat was inside a sealed garbage bag. She says I don't fit in the block. Place rubber snakes around their garden beds. Weed your yard in your swimsuit or your birthday suit. Nothing ever came of that. 16. My neighbors are jealous because I have the better apartment with a patio . What to do? The available methods for handling your Mary-Jane-loving neighbors include: Talking to them Consulting your landlord or building manager Using a mediator Sending a demand letter Calling the cops When our neighbors commit trivial misdemeanors, it is all right to go right up to their doors to make your presence felt. Lightening struck it and a healthy branch fell down and now our across the street neighbors keep giving me dirty looks. Just use your friendly neighbors unsecured Internet access! son pretty often. Let's face it, the most common complaint about an annoying neighbor is noise. Spray their bike handles, wood pile, door handles, animals, washer, vents of their swamp cooler with round up. When your neighbor refuses to pay because they didn't order them, tell the delivery driver that you'll buy them at a reduced price instead of them going to waste. How to Make Your Neighbors Miserable 1. She started a fight in the front yard with two other females last summer. These horrible people called the police because my kids walked through there lawn and turns out it was not even there property. In outdoor spaces, second-hand smoke is less likely to have an effect on you as it's less dense in the air. She was mad and now she doesn't talk to me anymore. The jehovas witnesses are down the street and for some reason they think a loud speaker is appropriate for their neighborhood in garage services. Living in a neighborhood can be a pleasant experience of convivial support, backyard barbecues, and lasting memories. The U.S. . So today she walked past and I had my little dog outside (the one that attacked) with a lead and for some reason he was super well behaved, I was so proud of my boy i couldn't believe how good he is that I could trust him again without the other muppet running around causing chaos. Apply caulk or tape to seal cracks and gaps in the wall. June 2012. Do what you can to fix the situation, especially if it is something the neighbors can't help or aren't able to fix. Who needs a florist? Way over the FCC watt limit, AND Fcc if called will do ZERO about them kinds of things anymore. Suzie from Carson City on January 22, 2020: Linda Sue..I think of you every day, SFAMand send positive vibes your way to bring you optimum health! Cars are being scratched and vandalized and the cops are keeping busy making visits to this place. So bad the Pipes are Freezing and the toilets don't flush, water pressure is waaaay down. But stil on October 31, 2018: Moved to the county to avoid neighbors, but still ened up with two of the worst!!! I'st easy to say and write but to do is not. She's a freakin teacher and has stolen money and continues to steal money from our government. It's time for some payback for them. We tried asking them, we tried picking it up and putting it on their doorstep, but they still refused to do it.. CAL. Nicely articulated! I have turned my cheek so many times, my head is on backwards. 15 yrs of this. People need to get a job and get a hobby. Park your car in their parking spot. and enjoy seeing them having to store every audio device and wireless device in another location (messes up wireless devices bad too) heck if yer moving before you leave put a couple marine batteries hooked to it and put it in the highest point in the attic. The renters next door are nasty knowalls who push the boundaries with parking illegaly all the time! Set up a basketball hoop in your driveway and play b-ball at all hours of the day and night. You may have cracks around vents, cable cords, electrical sockets, lighting fixtures, and windows. The most common way to get back at them especially at The King of the Hill type, is to let them have a taste of their own medicine. So to get jarred awake at 8am on Sunday, I was highly irritated. I am so frustrated I am beside myself. You do realize there are those who think these are "just a prank or joke". When a solicitor knocks on your door to sell you something, rave about how much your neighbor likes the product or organization and show them where your neighbor lives. I need more ideas because they have doorbells with cameras on them. How crazy people can hate a 2 years old kid!! 4. You are officially a "peeping tom. Always check your local noise ordinances online before making any kind of noise complaint. Eggs on windows/front step/car windscreen. I have a very stupid neighbour. 5. That means smoke in my windows and doors daily. Propane company was using my driway to fill her back side propane I said not to do that anymore as they can from their driveway. We live in a development of 70s raised ranch homes. Late at night, turn up the volume on your stereo and add some karaoke to the mix! What can I do about the cop calling she does. If you identify with one or more of the factors below -- you just might be an annoying neighborhood. Ive been looking for a new place but cant find anything right now. We had a pretty strong antivirus/antihacker program at the time and their computer ended up getting fried when they disregarded the pop up message that stated not to proceed. I' m 76 and my neighbors gets right under my bed and shocks me with ? Each time a neighbor voices their opinion, pounce on them and ridicule their post . Why pay for a wireless network? This could involve asking your neighbor to smoke in a different part of the apartment, or to use a smokeless ashtray. Lonely people living just in their own world and spending time to hate others and hurt them. Who is really nasty to me. Wanted to send them a box of poop from one of those online sellers that say it is anonymous but cannot see how it would be and i do not want to end up in prison-although it would be a nice vacation from these lowlife animals. She called cops out again still nothing. I hate them so much , why would they kill our dog who has done nothing to them is that right now they want to kill our puppy. does not even have a proper job. Ring your neighbor's doorbell and then hide. And she is trying to distroy our lives. He is crazy, to make him mad I do whatever l like in my own house. She is a evil old witch neighbor from Hell. Now they are not renting space in our heads. I'd give anything for you to ANNOY the hell outta me right now! Both in their 40's never married - too wrapped up in themselves to establish any nice relationship. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I'm very disappointed to even read such ideas, this is very irresponsible advice. Thats my problem is that the rest of my neighbors are great and I dont want to annoy them while getting back at this jerk. This past weekend she was loudly arguing with someone on speakerphone while she was sitting on the stoop. The more smoke the better. Dribble the ball as often as you want! I live next to some of the most ignorant people, they are lazy and will not do anything in the way of work to maintain the house they live in. 36 Likes, TikTok video from Jarzter (@jarzter): "#funny #smoke #fire #neighbors #annoy #fyp #viral #grass". By Dwight Burdette [CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. But this person didn't want to talk face to face and made me feel so unworthy of her time Jesus. One day, I had enough and got up at 5am to mow the lawn and sing 'i kissed a girl as loud as I could. So the next door neighbors opted to tether their dog to keep him from escaping the yard. Featuring: The top 50 restaurants to eat at for under $25 (presented by Tuatara); DJ, promoter, and icon Half Queen; our annual review of the ups and (slight) downs of the local property market (with thanks to Barfoot and Thompson); an interview with Lee Tamahori; an investigation into the battle for whakapapa recognition in Auckland; a look at . They now focus their negativity on others. my neighbour has a kid that fights his family and loud music so I took down the joining fence, my responsibility by law and I shit in my own yard, it annoys them too. We moved away from the city to the country to get away from harassing, annoying, stupid, neighbors. I have talked to renter, owner & homeowners association to complain about secondhand smoke entering my unit through the air vents. We have a guy who thinks he has a club at his house on the corner. Bake a plate of brownies and add an extra ingredient that they'll be buzzing about. He would just look and look and have his son in the cart too just staring. We just drive up on his lawn and idle for a good minute and then park beside his house on the trim of the grass, cant do anything about it, except accept the tire tracks on his yard. Secondhand smoke cannot be controlled by ventilation, air cleaning, or the separation of smokers from nonsmokers. Snow storm comes we are buried in snow from city plows yet they plow (they have a plow on their truck)everyone around us leaving us in a mountain of snow Thats evil. They have a huge driveway , we dont and every time they come and go backing there trailers, campers etc our vehicles seem to always have damage but I cant prove it but its quite obvious. As an HOA board member, you should always follow up on neighbor complaints. 4. Chimney clearances to neighbors & property lines: This article describes approaches to solving complaints about smoke, odors, soot from a neighboring chimney or a nearby building: chimney clearances to buildings, property lines; how to reduce smoke & odor complaints between neighbors, neighboring buildings & nearby chimneys. You are officially a "peeping tom.". It took time but once we stopped reacting to themthe issues went away. I'm in the country, have no neighbors on my left or right, but the Problem Neighbor is diagonally across the street from me. Please help, My next door neighbor always uses our driveway to get dropped off, instead of using their own. When it was going in she came down and threatened workers to stop work. Hot smoke rises, but tobacco smoke cools rapidly, which stops its upward climb. Have the video camera ready for when they leap. Oh well, hope they move - SOON. I tried to look at website or search to know what the nature of the business is but there was nothing, not even a contact number. TP-ing someone's house can work really well if they have trees and a large yard. Keep your dog outdoors and allow it to bark 24/7. There isn't anything i can do about it. You have seen no evidence that they are operating a grow-op, or selling pot out of their home. I have a neighbor who keeps bothering my parents about our tree. You can also blast creepy sounds to make your neighbors think their house is haunted. Send invitations to the entire neighborhood on his behalf. I have a crazy upstairs lady. I have never rented before and it shall be the last time. Training a pet to defecate on a neighbour's property can at the least be seen as "littering" on their property. He has knifed my convertible top. Tell your neighbors that you'll get to it just as soon as you can. Bn ang Xem: Top 10+ how to annoy smoking neighbors. My neighbor claims to have rheumatoid arthritis and therefore hasn't worked for the past 10 years. 1: Do complain unnecessarily. I did everything to stop them ie police calls and one fist to the head. "13. Type 1: Slightly Annoying Neighbors Type 2: Annoying Neighbors Type 3: Exceptionally Annoying Neighbors So a bad neighbor is anyone who lives next door (or next floor) and gets on your nerves regularly by doing something that's not particularly illegal but exceptionally annoying. Ive place nails on my driveway now. What a pleasant way to reach the front door, being assailed by the rotting odor. Not to mention the high pitched screaming he does. 2. There are two types of nuisancespublic nuisance and private nuisance. I refused to comply. The neighbors sit on their back deck all day every day in the warmer months so we can never really enjoy our back yard without their prying eyes and occasionally inserting themselves uninvited into the conversations that I have with my husband on our own back deck. Each one of these breaks city bylaw codes and could bring some hefty fines Or are just plain illegal " I've been practicing law for 32 years and have 2 lawsuits now pending against the group home next door. They will get you in trouble. I said get inside to the kids or Ill kick it in it but. Tie off the balloon. The Amish call it "shunning". All these jamming 12 rats in a shoebox and expecting them to get along? If you can't live without joints, make sure to smoke when your neighbor is out or late at night. Be sure your neighbor is aware of it. Most of these will just end up with the neighbour calling by-law officer and you getting in trouble instead. The neighbor sits on his ground floor balcony. If your landlord allows it, use caulk to completely seal these cracks so smoke can't enter through them. She lie to all of her neighbors, her bridge friends, church friends, her family, strangers, relatives about us and they all looked at our house with a dirty look and they stalked us at the cemetery every year when we visit my late brother. You don't always have to do something to make a person focus on you. Read it. 3. You can sue for anything CossittLaw, no one cares until you actually win. I've heard many tales from friends and family about how their neighbors are rude, ruthless, and uncaring. This is CRUEL to your pet, and secondly it may result in your pet being poisoned in revenge. we have a neighbor who is apart of the lovely HOA, and thinks he is the boss of the whole neighborhood. I got fed up at one point, and knocked on their door to ask politely that they quiet down. Post dog mess through their letterbox. Heavy metal and techno are great choices! I have 2 neighbours .. one who rents a caf which is actually attached to our house, but partitioned and one neighbour who lives next door. Instead of encouraging friendly conversation, see who can be the first one to piss off the other members. She called the cops again and nothing. There are many more things but Im so tired from another morning of mowing and my head is pounding. So, im legit stuck here. I will get them ticketed and call the council everyday. I work, so does my wife we have a nice home but I don't have a golf course lawn nor do I care too. B-ball it up. If . The other top four irritating activities of neighbors include being too loud, not being able to pick up after their pets, parking in someone else's designated spot, and leaving their children unsupervised. Other people aren't as lucky as I am. Clean all flat surfaces at least twice a week, vacuum often, use deep-cleaning rug shampoos, and occasionally wash your walls with a mild detergent. 4. Tar and nicotine affect every surface they come in contact with. They are dead to us. He will ask , " Gonna mow your lawn today , or Hey you have a weed in your lawn I don't want any in mine." I keep going threw this problem last neighbors moved I played " the doors " religiously loud for months . You should start by being friendly and resort to more drastic measures only if they refuse to cooperate. Like I said it will take time for them to realize you no longer care what they do or say. I own a condo in Pinole & 2 of my neighbors smoke (1 is a renter). Time to move out of this HELL HOLE! They crappy play music loudly. If you live in an apartment and the tenants above you have heavy feet, use your broom handle to bang on the ceiling. The newest neighbor a lady renting a home adjacent to mine decided to have a party on Wednesday. This may be enough to take care of the issue. Reach out to other neighbors who want them gone. It's going to need to be at least a little open to have the proper air flow. When a neighbour smokes nearby there are basically just three things you can do. As a bonus, you could make your yard blue, and the yellow/blue combination will surely drive your neighbor crazy! Any and all help would be appreciated. From the first day he started knocking our door and telling us not to let our dog to come to the yard and make sure the dog does not bark! Visitors getting mad because I am telling them to move their car and starts an Argument with meI have calked the Police several times for thisMy next door neighbor are over here smoking Weed and letting visitors bring Animals in her home when it's on the Lease to not do that.My next door neighbor waits until she has visitors and wants to pick, walking by me laughing out loud, continues to let her visitors park behind my car and laughs about it when they does these things.Over here acting like 5 year old Elementary Kids.I reported it to the Landlord and Property Manager and both of them don't want to hear my side of the story.I sent 7 pictures of 7 different cars to show proof they are Parking Behind my vehicle blocking me from leaving my homeThere are 2 sides to a story especially if a Tenant shows proofThe Landlord and Property Manager still doesn't want to hear what I have to say.I will be buying me A SPY CAMERA!!! Plant a Weeping Willow tree in your yard, but close to your neighbor's property. Know where to go out in the backyard so that it was not me, but not extent! Handle to bang on the door telling them to realize you no care! Cant find anything right now lawn, retired and devotes 24/7 of his time to hate others and them. Threw this problem last neighbors moved i played `` the doors `` religiously loud for months are down street. When ever demon child throws his tantrums we hear the entirety of it she 's a freakin teacher and stolen. Whole neighborhood was going in she came down and now she does n't talk me! In revenge neighbor is noise t enter through them care about animals, washer, of... To more drastic measures only if they have doorbells with cameras on them visits to place. Keeps bothering my parents about our tree their house is haunted only they... Blast music into the speakers at random times during the day flush, water pressure waaaay! 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