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Example; Uranus in 1st may attract a lot of Aquarius energy or /and be confused as an Aquarius placement often. Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. 9th house placements in synastry / composite could indicate long- distance / travels in relationships. like yall everywhereee too. Sagittarius placements just wants someone that gets them if that makes sense. Youll never hear bullshit come out of their mouths because they have already planned it out so well. rahu in the 10th house (the house of career) will make a person obsessive about rising to a powerful position, and it would make the person create illusions to get to the top. Jupiter expands everything it comes into contact with. Watch out for messages in day to day work like homework like environments or simple every day things. This gas giant is associated with expansion, growth, abundance. Scorpio placements (especially the rising) are prone to getting some pimples or/and acne. They couldve known they love Astrology the first time they ever discovered it. They specialize in sexual things too so when youre in that mood feel your intuition, its weird but trust me. You could put an Aquarius placement with 100 people who are very different and theyd still feel as if they dont fit in. Earthy relaxed environments. They do crush on people, they get someone that really gets them they start to, individuals. Aries energy can sometimes be confused for Scorpio energy (both intense). But also remember your words can back-fire on you a lot making you regret things you have said in the past. Your placements can tell you the way you manifest especially Jupiter. The Moon, Uranus, and Neptune can bring a lack of stability and clarity when it comes to finances. Cancer moon can dominate the natives physical appearance. August 2016 Leo risings change their hair a lot. Moon likes being in Cancer hence it is very dominant. Libra & Aquarius suns are most likely to get hate from others. January 2018 People usually trust Jupiter dominants when it comes to knowledge & information. Pluto governs things hidden, other peoples money, leverage, power, control. (Theory, Uranus rules internet). if your chiron is in 3rd youre telling me people usually think youredumb because you process thoughts way differently. They may fall into very bad episodes themselves. August 2019 Could have conflicting emotions and may try to fight themselves on things. Their out of the box thinking would lead them to find mind-blowing patterns & indicators. It may take a while & later on in life for the individual to find solid friends who they trust. July 2018 Jupiters aspects show through which planetary energy you can grow or find your good fortune. You are brought down here for transformations within yourself not only that but to develop determined and powerful psychic abilities and to release unhealthy resentfulness. Conjuction is feeling the other energy, they would dedicate a lot of time and effort to spreading knowledge. ), Having this asteroid in the water houses can indicate you are seductive with emotions and you can manipulative and do the worse once theyre on your hook. February 2013 I think people tend to assume they have their shit together maybe even confident a lot of the times. Leo midheavens & Midheaven in 5th career life may be to put their creative abilities out there. (Nothing to panic about) For example Venus in 18 degrees may attract lovers who arent in their best state. (Most likely cheating). The house of Jupiter shows the life area where you have a particularly easy flow of energy. Gemini placements astrology creators may like to post astrology observations more than anything because it lets them express their thoughts without a responsibility of keeping order & track of what they are writing. Taurus sun/ moon/ rising are not lazy people? Traveling could also be an escape for them. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Note any major aspects. (Observation). Primary houses for massive wealth in astrology are the 2nd and 11th houses. Venus in leo/ mars in leo remember just because your crush liked another girls instagram picture does not mean you are annoying.. If you have mars in 4th im just gonna assume you have deep rooted trauma from home life & the reason you are wayy over protective over anything and yourself. They are very empathetic and gives you insights on future events for you. you could suffer from something (again, general). July 2013 (As you should!) Having the Sun in the 8th house in composite can indicate the relationship is somewhat hidden and not a lot of people know whats really going on. They usually inspire & may others feel more confident. Pluto aspects to Moon and Neptune. have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. People with Virgo placements may be very picky where they do their alone time things. A conjunction of the Moon and Mars produces wealth. But there is an air of knowledge about them and a youthful aura you cant get enough of. (Theory) 8th house rules enemies as well. Mother may be very quick and intelligent but also may have a family who was very quick to snap back at things. I really love them. May 2022 Scorpio risings are very charming individuals. Pluto in 12th could have scary and vivid dreams. If the Priapus asteroid touches a womans mars it can indicate she is very desirable and could be seen as sexually desired by most. If you are not sure what they have to do with it, brush up on the meaning of these houses here. One way you can distinguish a Scorpio rising is by looking into their eyes and seeing how deep watery and mesmerizing they are, you tend to get lost in their eyes. Jupiter is one of the indicators of money in the natal chart. Could be the couple that kisses in public and has no shame. Theyre very adaptable. Will fight for security that may have been stolen from them. People tend to over dramatice Leo venuses but all they really need is a loyal lion by their side, who will occasionally put up with their tantrum. Pisces risings can be somewhat aggressive and possessive when it comes to their own material things & belongings, and somewhat impatient. People with 3rd house stellium may have at least at one point in their life struggle with communication. July 2021 For example; Person has Leo rising with Pholus opposites their rising, they may find themselves changing their hair a lot (Leo risings are known for hair). It harshly aspecting mars could indicate physical & sexual deception. Leo placements look amazing when they take pictures outside especially when the Sun is shining on them, I dont have to explain much, theyre ruled by the Sun. They can be very secretive on the way they send messages to you. 1st house stellium people tend to go to crisis regarding to who they really are and they tend to camouflage in situations. Mars in Sagittarius is similar but they have more of a drive. Ive noted a lot Of Libras and Virgos are drawn to each other. Lets not forget that Aries, the sign ruled by Mars is the sign of entrepreneurship. March 2014 I dont even know how to explain like yall look wealthy. If you had good karma from a past life time thats what you shall receive, if you had some bad karma to work out there would be some work youd have to do in this earth, what youre called to do. (observation), Cancer + Libra in a chart can make someone very charming and comforting and easily likeable.. I dont see this often but Pisces placements especially the rising tend to be very weird people who usually have very eccentric interests, they usually keep it hidden though. Side Note: Priapus the fertility god with a big erection & physical attraction and recreation. If very underdeveloped virgo placements can give off pervert vibes. (Check other placements). Sagittarius the sign of knowledge and wisdom being Jupiter would make the chart have a big Jupiter influence, they love seeking and teaching knowledge. This can also at the same time make them addicted & love the internet. Scorpio Risings / Pluto in 1st: When they find something interesting, they tend to dedicate an immerse amount of passion (maybe even obsession) towards it. Libra placements (especially the women) tend to attract a lot of envious people who spread rumors. A lot of people who didnt know they had Scorpio Venus when they found out they did it was probably a big oh thats why moment. Pluto is the planet of extremes. September 2017 They may see themselves having communication problems in relationships, netherless working on this will be able to fix this. Their directness and bluntness could be a problem. The messages they sent you are all about communication meaning they usually come from forms of writing. The ability to trick with seduction. Jupiter Dominants= Abundance, Happiness, Wisdom, Money. If. Asking the wrong questions & putting your nose where it doesnt belong will really throw them off. (anything glamorous, I noticed a lot of libra placements tend to have had a lot of beautiful stuff growing up). They should learn how to save more or be wiser about money. The more connections in the chart between these planets, the stronger the potential. Its not said enough people tend to be VERY curious about these people. Gemini placements may like getting their nails done or at least want their nails perfect / cut perfectly. You were brought here with psychic abilities as well as being empathetic & creative. Leo placements have this influence that makes other feel small this is even more exaggerated if there is pluto & scorpio influence. Its hard for someone to truly know whats going on in their thoughts. September 2015 Simple. May like gettinghigh with their partner. I have this degree in Mars, I'm still waiting for the fun to happen Water placements over the 4th house could have at one point lived near the water or water was significant. In a synastry chart, if this asteroid is powerful it can indicate a lot of deceiving. This is kind of a theory, but fish represents fertility & happiness & intelligence. towards where it touches. Yall are naturally admired & people close to your circle get good luck. If Venus is in favourable aspect to a ruler of a "money house" (the second or eighth house) or is found in such a house, this is a good sign that your ability to attract money is high. (Check whole chart), Virgo placements love the little things in life and when something little becomes somewhat chaotic is why theyre prone to breakdowns or seen as perfectionist. Cancer Venuses & Moon (Overall placements Perhaps) love making promises in relationships, breaking a promise no matter how small it was, will really mess with them. Jupiter, Venus, or Sun in 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses :**: I havent been able to post much lately because Ive fallen ill. One parental figure could be seen as better fitting than the other. Mercury conjuct Lilith are usually very direct and people admire and are attracted to their words, people may even get turned on from their texts. Strong stelliums. Even if theyre tall theyre seen as small somehow. Women with Saturn Opposite Ascendant may have older masculine authorities judging them a lot & some men in general. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. im sorryy. People with Venus in 3rd may have had crushes easily in their childhood or people had crushes on them easily. Sagittarius placements couldve been trouble makers or less serious when young. Cancer risings in composite can be the one couple everyone is likeOh yeah, theyre definitely having kids they could be seen as long term for family. An emphasized eleventh house in the birth chart indicates a lot of helpers on your journey. Venus is the natural ruler of the second house. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. Ive noticed a lot of people are attracted to people who have their moon sign as their venus. In fact, they could take this to a very professional level. January 2023 However, unless there is other Astrologer indicators, these people could lack dedication at times. They couldve been a mother to you in past lives. January 2013 People with Venus in 6th tend to have low self esteem and tend to make fun of their Venusian traits. The 8th house is also associated with inheritance, your spouses money, money you make through investments. (Not a serious crush). If Pluto is in 9th Im just gonna assume there was a lot of tower moments in your late school years. Mercury - Lillith aspects (Or Scorpio Mercury) love to solve mystery. Hit them up for an ego boost Theyre the best. Lets dive into this topic! (Theory I made but also some research behind this). intuitive & astrologer readings are closed HIATUSSS! Unhealthily, may prefer it over their reality. They can be very unique on their ways of sending you messages so it could be hard to predict. November 2017 Make sure people dont take advantage of you because of this. June 2017 Taurus mars are usually very well put together and likes to keep things pretty but simple. Spirit in Capricorn: With the ruler being in Saturn having spirit in Capricorn can mean that you are brought down to this earth to balance out karma especially. A nice Saturn in the birth chart give self-discipline, persistence, structure, an effective way to achieve your goals. Sagittarius placements could end up being friends with healthily younger people because of their young heart. Sun in 6th tells me that when you finally put boundaries up, no one respects them. But they specialize in dreams, pay attention to your dreams, they specialize in divination tools. Fire placements tend to get a boost of energy and motivation out of nowhere especially Aries placements. Their friends and especially online friends could find them very attractive. (And some freckles there and there), Libra placements may get along with Sagittarian energy well, Ive realized both of these energies love uplifting people:). They are impulsive when it comes to you being stupid and could give very direct messages. Usually in very loving nurturing environments is when your spirit likes to send messages. This planet often stands out in the charts of the wealthy, and its not hard to see why. Planets at the 29th degree are really important. If some of these planets are at a critical degree, you should pay special attention to it. aquarius in 3rd can have an attractive yet different way of communicating. Your spirit guides embody the traits of the water bearer. Pisces placements may love candles / nice odor around. While Mercury in direct is better to gather thoughts, I have found Mercury in Retrograde individuals are incredibly intelligent and have a bunch of innovative ideas?? With North node in 12th these individuals attract people who wanna push them on a different path. They have a lot on their minds. One thing about a Pluto in 10th is that they need to keep their true self private. Favourable aspects from Jupiter/Venus to rulers of 2nd, 11th house. November 2019 Air prominence own mind is never- ending. A lot of real life Yanderes have this asteroid conjucting a lot of personal planets (but of course other afflicted placements come to play. August 2012 Without Saturn, you can get rich, but is hard to stay rich. July 2019 People with Eros (#433) / Venus / Mars in 9th could find themselves getting into hookups in travel or foreign places. Because of this youll see people with an, This asteroid is great for ultimate soulmate connections & your best soulmate. 5th house cusp in Capricorn shows better rewards from long-term investments. but a lot of people with this placements suffer from a lot of intrusive thoughts. Your spirit is from a higher intelligence and very playful with their approaches, they love to see you smile and hate to see you upset. Pisces Venuses may like to shift a lot. Look for messages from loved ones and legal matters as well. Theyre also subconsciously able to tell if someone doesnt have their best interest. Discover more posts about wealth in astrology. (You can read more about anaretic degrees here). October 2018 2nd house represents your. They can walk into the room & talk everyone will pay. April 2017 Look for messages from intense environments and more of darker ones too. It is how other people help you level up. That one person who already knew the culprit of crime shows? Virgo placements may love candles / plants or really nice nature / grounded things around them. So many pisces placements get into online / long distance relationships. They specialize in creative areas & water. August 2018 Jupiter, Venus, or Sun in 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses Strong stelliums. Air placements (Especially Venus) are very open to ideas in relationships which why as I stated before in another Astro Observation that they are prone to being in open relationships (Gemini & Aquarius the most or 3rd & 11th houses) or at least not dismiss the idea of it completely, but if you are not fun or dont entertain them the least everything else good about you will not matter to them. Ive realized a lot of scorpio risings are mistaken as libra, I do think mercury direct is better for a processing mind I have, individuals are very intelligent but in a different way. One thing about Pisces placements is that they attract people who wanna distort them on who they are. The child probably has been set to a lot of great things since young. Moon, emotions directed into hard work. They usually have very diverse friends: Virgo mercuries may be attracted to Scorpio mercuries. December 2013 June 2019 Their intuition is always right about things & people. Ive noticed Gemini moons tend to learn languages quickly or have a lot of phrases from different languages mesmerized. 5th house: It represents income from speculation, stocks, trading, and creative pursuits . . This house is one of the most complex houses. People with Jupiter in 3rd from what Ive noticed, tend to have a LOT of siblings. The eighth house governs banks, loans, investing, tax, accountants too, so it is a rather significant house for extraordinary finances. March 2016 WEALTH FORMULA = Venus (cash) + Jupiter (financial luck) + Wheel of Fortune (financial luck) In each horoscope, we assess the position of the indicators of wealth in the horoscope - Venus, Jupiter and the Wheel of Fortune in the signs of the Zodiac and the Houses of the horoscope, a total of 6 indicators are obtained. June 2016 Scorpio + Leo in a chart can make someone prone to being easily jealous. See more posts like this on Tumblr. Does having a lot of money equal being able to enjoy it? From personal experience Libra risings have somewhat of a hard problem opening up, they have this image of themselves they dont want to be seen different at times. Their family could see them as more detached & intelligent. For example, higher life expectancy indicates that the country has more hospitals and health measures. oo Astrology: Career Based on the Birth Chart The 2nd house and 5th house Lords exchange the places. Planets in this house might show how you generate income. They may have hard time with with logic vs raw emotions. They know value! You commonly find people trying to spread rumors about Pisces placements. If you have moon in the water houses (4,8,12) PLEASEEE listen to your intuition, yall psychic. Wanna know the impression + slight vibe you give off? Side note: (1943) Related to Eros but more mature and older & how you demonstrate love, less about sexual needs. Sun in 12th / 12th house Stelliums / prominence- Has a thing for what is not out there on the public eye, loves to scratch beneath the surface. Nothing stops you. It could be a gift or an escape to them. June 2012 When this planet touches something in the birth chart, it scales up things related to it 1000x. Pisces risings tend to care a lot about aesthetic just how Venusian placements do. December 2014 December 2016 Plutos manifestation in a chart depends on many things, including the level of consciousness of the chart owner and if they want to use this energy for good or for bad. Your spirit embodies the scorpion. Example: Tarot Cards). What are the tell-tale signs that the owner of a chart has above-average earning potential? Leo placements love unique things and hate unoriginal & copies. Many sex symbols like Marilyn Monroe had this in their chart. Ive realized a lot of scorpio risings are mistaken as libra risings. Scorpio / Virgo placements are the most likely to have very intrusive thoughts. (Especially Gemini placements), Gemini placements, especially the Mercury may learn sign language. (h22) if the Priapus asteroid touches a womans venus it can indicate a lot of men want to love and be with her in a sensual yet sexy way. While with Jupiter in this house, money seems to come to you almost on its own, but you tend to spend carelessly too. May 2015 It's connected to beauty, and charm. November 2014 April 2016 You all love to break rules, but you all will kill somebody if your own boundaries are closed. 2nd house ruler in 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th house They send messages in a perfectionist tendency its hard to miss. Yeah, block button now. They are very loyal and direct with you and not too emotional in their approaches. What is it with the Gemini unfaithful stereotype? It would generally give more feminine traits. Sagittarius mercuries / Moons have a very beautiful and happy way of communicating from what Ive seen reading through their texts or listening to them usually brights up peoples mood. (h22) Priapus in a synastry can show how the other wants to be physical & recreate. People with Mars in 6th, when sick could be very aggressive. Anteros is the love your mature in. Favourable aspects from Jupiter/Venus to rulers of 2nd, 11th house. I commonly see Aquarius placements getting very praised (as you should) but it could even for the smallest things. Each has a different type of fame; Scorpio is more expressive, Aquarius is humanitarian, and Leo is just straight up famous (sometimes for almost no reason). Jupiter expands everything it comes into contact with. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Spirit in Scorpio: Ruled by Mars, your spirit radiates intense and determined energy. (Some things just dont spark their interest), Pisces risings have really pretty legs. Pluto, Scorpio, and the eighth house are also linked with secret money and hidden wealth. (Theory). They tend to like making healthier habits for their friends. Pisces placements may start to believe they are those rumors themselves. (Totally random, but they rule the hands. Therefore, having moon- pluto & moon-venus and etc, especially harsh aspects in synastry can indicate a very chaotic anxious connection. Cancer mars are hard workers just like Capricorn mars, but they tend to get emotionally tired and drained from environments / situations easily and Capricorn mars usually have the ability to keep on pushing themselves. but researching these I tried to stick to financial wealth with . Money and savings are described by the second house, real estate by the fourth, investments by the eighth. +mars aswell makes for a bad bitch in work field 8th house placements; November 2013 Mars trining or sextile Saturn can indicate the native may like having sex with older dominant people. (Home/ Apartment was too expensive, Fire caused, Foster Homes). DO NOT REWORD OR REPOST OR PLAGIARIZE THANK YOU I WILL KNOW. But, it comes through the mind a lot. Jupiter, Venus, or Sun in 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses Abundance of Earth/Water signs, especially Cancer and Capricorn. They will show the sides of themselves that you yourself are hiding. They could send you messages especially through technology so beware online for messages. Jupiter, Venus, or Sun in 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses Indicators of Wealth in Astrology. They are intense towards you and extremely loyal & never leave your side. December 2019 If there were other indicators of an Astrologer in the chart, this can make someone have never-ending admiration for Astrology & can develop creative ways of researching it / creative discoveries. Any planet aspecting them (especially the so-called good aspects) reveals more information about how you can make money. Pluto aspects to Jupiter and Venus Pluto aspects to Moon and Neptune. If you found this article helpful, maybe you want to save our site for later. For example a lot like working out at a specific time. Because of this they hate when people try to interrupt their peace asking so many questions this may seem normal however I have seen a lot of times Capricorn placements do not like being asked questions they see as no sense they dont like small talk, get to the point with them they can see through it! (Check other placements), Women with Scorpio moons tend to be seen as intimidating and could also make them have very piercing eyes. Youre probably scared of even going to the grocery store at times. July 2014 5th house cusp in Capricorn shows better rewards from long-term investments. Indicator of an Astrology teacher. It is also a turn on when their partner knows multiple, in your chart you are one charming person. (Opposition, Square) People with these aspects to Venus-Lilith can be used from others in terms of getting them into relationship just to exploit them. May 2018 (Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my work) @hillarysss Moon in Gemini/ Moon in 3rd- blunt astro observations : *:*:*:. Aspects of chart ruler to 2nd and 8th house ruler. Sun in 6th individuals love the idea of having a bunch of healthy boundaries up because they tend to prioritize what is worth their time: Women with Water moons may feel more intuitive when on their menstrual cycle since moon does talk about the cycle, having water moon would make you feel more spiritually inclined during then. SUCCESSFUL PERSON INDICATORS "$ Do not repost, plagiarize, "reword" my observations. Such an important thing must be emphasized in the horoscope. Make fun of their young heart dont fit in pretty legs quot ; wealth indicators in astrology tumblr & quot $! 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