pretendian list keeler

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The Google doc can be viewed by requesting access with an email address. ", "I Knew Rachel Dolezal Back When She Was Indigenous", The Native roots of the bizarre Rachel Dolezal drama, "Race of Rachel Dolezal, head of Spokane NAACP, comes under question", "Read the NAACP's Full Statement on Rachel Dolezal", "Dartmouth Removes New Native American Head Amid Ethnicity Questions: Tribes accused Susan Taffe Reed of misrepresenting herself as American Indian", "Dartmouth criticized for Native American Studies hire", "Four Words for Andrea Smith: 'I'm Not an Indian', "Tribes Blast 'Wannabe' Native American Professor", "Rachel Dolezal Outs Andrea Smith Again; Will Anybody Listen This Time? Rather than trying to heal the wound.. [8] However, since the 1990s and 2000s, a number of controversies regarding ethnic fraud have come to light and received coverage in mainstream media, leading to a broader awareness of pretendians in the world at large.[2][4][8]. In response to an Indigenous Wire item yesterday about the way the New York Post treated a picture of writer and activist Jacqueline Keeler in its coverage of the Pretendian/Karendian/Defendian Native identity and ethnic fraud controversy, Keeler shot the messenger in this case, yours truly. Jan 28, 2021. "[4], In October 2021, the CBC published an investigation into the status of Canadian academic Carrie Bourassa, who works as an Indigenous health expert and has claimed Mtis, Anishinaabe and Tlingit status. Your place here is more secure than that. Please use you the brain Creator gave you and have more thoughtful contributions to this discourse. In particular, the great-grandmother she claimed was Tlingit, Johanna Salaba, is well-documented as having emigrated from Russia in 1911; she was a Czech-speaking Russian. Timothy B. Powell, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press (1999), Anthes, Bill. What these claims have in common is that they are entirely disconnected from any living Indigenous people. Our rationale was that Fox News, owned by the same people that run the Post, has manipulated pictures of people it has wanted to portray unflatteringly in the past, so this certainly could have been the case here. My moms full Navajo. Reactions to the list among Natives online range from the passive agreement that Indian Country needs a vetting process to outright protest over the ethics of adding names to a public list without verification. The sisters also assert that Littlefeather's stories about their violent and impoverished upbringing were also patently false. The strongest rule of white culture is to speak when spoken to. The "Alleged Pretendians List" is the creation of Jacqueline Keeler, a Native American writer and activist who has spent years busting fakers in politics and academia. And I'm sure it will. Keeler is apparently going to publish the Pretendian list. It goes into detail with each entry and us cotinually being updated. It takes a person with enough knowledge of the gaps in the system to exploit them. The Alleged Pretendians List is the creation of Jacqueline Keeler (inset), a Native American writer and activist who has spent years busting fakers in politics and . Pierce added the piece preys on peoples insecurities rather than proposing a type of repair., Its like putting your finger in a wound, you know? The assumption of Indigenous identity, through the growth of the so-called Eastern Mtis movement, is clearly, at least in terms of its foundational leadership and organizational nature, antagonistic at a fundamental level towards Indigenous peoples and livelihoods.[45]. Distorted Descent: White Claims to Indigenous Identity, Inventing an Indigenous People in Algonquin Territory, Settler Colonialism + Native Ghosts: An Autoethnographic Account of the Imaginarium of Late Capitalist/Colonialist Storytelling, Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo, Becoming Indian: The Struggle Over Cherokee Identity in the Twenty-First Century, Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science, APTN Investigates: Cowboys and Pretendians, "Indigenous 'Race Shifting' Red Flags: A Quick Primer for Reporters and Others", Pretendians and Their Impact on Mtis Identity in the Academy,, Erika T. Wurth is a novelist claiming Apache/Chickasaw/Cherokee descent whose novel, This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 01:08. Get quality preowned and refurbished ophthalmic equipment Save thousands over new equipment when you can get the same quality and . This phenomenon took place following the "lndian Preference" regulations in new hiring practices at the Bureau of lndian Affairs in the early 1970s. Pretendianism is particularly prevalent in entertainment, publishing and academia. Many of the accused sit in prestigious academic perches. As a practice, being a pretendian is considered an extreme form of cultural appropriation,[8] especially if that individual then asserts that they can represent, and speak for, communities they do not belong to. Death certificates list both parents with their birth places and mother's maiden name. A list of pretendians. Keeler said the list was a collaboration of many researchers, journalists and activists, but that she had been the one to compile those efforts into a single place. Saturdays article in The Chronicle spurred backlash from many Native American people. Would love to hear your thoughts on our first week in the comments below. Back in my youth, we called them wannabes; nowadays, they are referred to as pretendians or race-shifters. Believe it or not, some non-Indian folks, not steeped in this stuff, dont know what a Pretendian, a Defendian, a Karendian and/or a Kendian are. Then she deletes related tweets and other social media that would undermine her integrity, and she usually presents herself in the end as the aggrieved, yet righteous, victor on whatever issue she is championing. While Jon Levine, the reporter of the Post piece, emailed back to say he grabbed the picture in question from Keelers Instagram, and. of people it has wanted to portray unflatteringly in the past, so this certainly could have been the case here. A pretendian (portmanteau of pretend and Indian[1][2][3]) is a person who has falsely claimed Indigenous identity by claiming to be a citizen of a Native American or Indigenous Canadian tribal nation, or to be descended from Native ancestors. These are not privately-held beliefs, reads her introduction. The group in Swanton submitted their initial petition for federal recognition in 1982 (after having their internally-trained -by John Moody- but biased genealogists who claimed to be Abenakis, members of the group, do the research and an Addendum was added in 1986. Indeed, some Odanak Abenaki Families descendants do in fact reside in Vermont. This also applies to Cherokee persons. She attached links to with some names, which indicates at least some of this research is being conducted via searches. to cover the Posts possible manipulation, letting readers know what those terms mean, she has allegedly tweeted the N-word and has allegedly supported doing blackface, has been caught doing this very thing in the past. Lawrence is on the list. Then questions arose about her identity", "Sacheen Littlefeather and ethnic fraud why the truth is crucial, even if it means losing an American Indian hero", "Playing Indian Constitutes a Structural Form of Colonial Theft, and It Must be Tackled", "Mysterious letter linking 1,000 people to $1B Algonquin treaty likely fake, CBC investigation finds Author of conspiracy theory books says letter was dropped in his mailbox in 2011", "Health scientist Carrie Bourassa on immediate leave after scrutiny of her claim she's Indigenous", "Sacheen Littlefeather was a Native American icon. A screenshot from 2014 purporting to show Jacqueline Keeler advocating for dressing up in blackface began circulating on Twitter. By 1990, many years of pushback by Native Americans against pretendians resulted in the successful passage of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 (IACA) - a truth-in-advertising law which prohibits misrepresentation in marketing of American Indian or Alaska Native arts and crafts products within the United States. While faking Indigenous American identity for positions of prestige is a problem, sovereign tribes and nations should be leading investigations into citizenship claims. Problem was, none of their narratives of connection to the Abenakis was objectively validated by any documentation whatsoever. The issue is that she seems to have gone about it in a bad way, that actually hurts the overall effort. How can you tell if someone is Native American? Despite wide circulation on social media, Keeler has yet to address the screenshot. Such was never the reality. If colonialism has not eradicated Indigenous people by starvation, residential schools, the reserve system, taking their lands and languages, scooping their children, and doing everything to assimilate Indigenous peoples, then the final act is to become them. "Don't ask me about Cherokee Freedmen" We suspect that might change soon. Gaslighting might be an appropriate word to describe a portion of what Keeler has been described as doing, but were not sure, because we havent experienced it personally. Your email address will not be published. Historian Philip J. Deloria has noted that European Americans "playing Indian" is a phenomenon that stretches back at least as far as the Boston Tea Party. I stopped at 1800 for each line because at that point all the families were in east of Ohio - outside of the . Hardly. At the same time, he said the piece has a gotcha ethos that could prove harmful. What the heck? Keeler replied on Twitter, referencing, . of writer and activist Jacqueline Keeler in its coverage of the Pretendian/Karendian/Defendian Native identity and ethnic fraud controversy, Keeler shot the messenger in this case, yours truly. The list includes well-known imposters and claimants like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Johnny Depp, but also less well-known figures in media and the arts. In October 2022, Teillet published the report, Indigenous Identity Fraud, for the University of Saskatchewan. records were people who ALREADY incarcerated in institutions previous to the Eugenics Survey, as the Childrens Aid Society had been documenting child of impoverished homes, truancy cases, and abusive homes across both states, and Harriet E. Abbott, came from that organization (as did others) and later became agents of the Eugenics Movement. All because she thinks she has the authority to question other's heritage. This topic is complex and deeply personal and quite frankly it is nobody's fucking business, least of all any Non-Native/White person's. It is invasive, inappropriate, unethical, and a violation of one's personal and private life especially if you are outside of the community. [4][5][6][7] The term is a pejorative colloquialism, and if used without evidence could be considered defamatory. You might be a pretendian if you've legally changed your name from "Weissvogel" to "White Eagle Soaring." You might be a pretendian if you burn to a crisp in ten minutes of strong moonlight. Lawrence was unable to provide evidence of Native ancestry; she is not an enrolled member of any federally or state-recognized tribe, an editors note above the Times piece now reads. Any findings should only be released publicly. There are many angles to the story, and this one, while not the most crucial, piqued our interest due to the New York Post/Fox News connection and Fox News previous manipulation of photos. Individual tribes and nations determine who their citizens are. It only is supportive of Karens scheming for land when you forget your surprise reaction at this stuff. [35], There are several possible explanations for why people adopt pretendian identities. Yet, these lived experiences, bearing the epigenetic imprints of historical trauma, are distinct from experiences of Indigeneity. Sometimes family stories with no truth behind them run amuck. Any findings should only be released publicly after they have been determined. [5], In October 2022, actor and activist Sacheen Littlefeather died. Most Americans do not know the reality of US and State government-funded white scalp hunters, and what it meant to people who lost nine out of 10 relatives AND their land in the 1800s (and continuing through most of the 1900s). Again, (Keeler is referring here, we think, in a roundabout way to people with a combination of Black and Native ancestry/heritage who have felt attacked by, . We will release the names and findings of all those who are found to have no relation to the American Indian tribe they claim in the United States.. Some people, in fact, warned us not to cover the Posts possible manipulation of her picture, or even the possibility that the Post took the pic out of context, because Keeler might get angry and seek revenge. "Becoming Indian: The Self-Invention of Yeffe Kimball. It is also another colonial act. No, because the method is flawed. She called Keelers allegations a witch-hunt and provided proof of her ancestry, the New York Post reported in January. Keeler's list lacks documentation, is libelous, and includes dozens of people who are recognized by their tribes and communities as kin and contributing members of their communities. Theres so many things hurting our communities, and theres so many beautiful things to celebrate, and her witch hunt sucks up all the oxygen, she added. May 14, 2021 / May 19, 2021 by Angelina Newsom | 12 Comments on Opinion: The Real Problem With Jacqueline Keelers Alleged Pretendian List. Theres never a situation where blackface is acceptable, especially not in Native organizing. Staff genealogist. '"[30] Rebecca Nagle (Cherokee Nation) voiced a similar position in 2019, writing for High Country News that, Pretendians perpetuate the myth that Native identity is determined by the individual, not the tribe or community, directly undermining tribal sovereignty and Native self-determination. Creating an alleged pretendian list of possible offenders with incomplete research, possible bias and implication of actual Natives alongside alleged pretensions isnt safe for Indian Country nor should it be the standard of this OPINION piece of angsts about Jacqueline Keeler or her list of frauds. This has led to the federally recognized Pikwakanagan First Nation to renew efforts to remove these "pretendian" claimants from their membership. While there are some genetic markers that are more common among Native Americans, these markers are also found in Asia, and in other parts of the world. [4] The CBC investigation used handwriting analysis, and other methods of archival and historical evaluation to conclude the letter is a fake. She will invalidate people based on if their community claims them but this usually centers on the major heads of the community. I dunno about the list, but a tweet by Keeler points to her article on Sacheen Littlefeather: In response to an Indigenous Wire item yesterday about the way the New York Post treated a picture of writer and activist Jacqueline Keeler in its coverage of the Pretendian/Karendian/Defendian Native identity and ethnic fraud controversy, Keeler shot the messenger in this case, yours truly. To be clear: We were letting readers know what those terms mean in service of a greater discourse of this topic. "Report on Conclusion of Preliminary Review in the Matter of Professor Ward Churchill". Despite being enrolled in a federally recognized tribe (a term Keeler emphasizes a lot), Campbell remains on the alleged pretendian list. Theres no question about that but to accuse people of fraud with little resaerch and research that has been proven false is damaging to the actual activism she has provided. If the editors had known that there were questions about her connection to the Native community, this essay would not have been published until those questions had been resolved.. They also just blatantly lie. Read it. Elizabeth Cook-Lynn wrote of the influence of pretendians in academia and political positions: [U]nscrupulous scholars in the discipline who had no stake in Native nationhood but who had achieved status in academia and held on to it through fraudulent claims to lndian Nation heritage and blood directed the discourse. Survivor of pretendian pandemic. In the hunting and fishing realm, they are mostly white men. To be clear: We were. "They are attacking . - A list of pretendians. After the whole New York Times/Claudia Lawrence debacle, I was fed up and tired of tiptoeing around frauds because of the power they wield. Keelers methodology and ethics around investigating peoples Indigenous identity is extremely flawed and her credibility is out the window. [38] Bourassa was placed on immediate leave from her post at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research after her claims of Indigenous ancestry were found to be baseless.[39]. "Is Ward Churchill the New Michael Bellesiles? Its simply another expression of white privilege., (Keeler is referring here, we think, in a roundabout way to people with a combination of Black and Native ancestry/heritage who have felt attacked by her list of alleged ethnic fraudsters. His family came from Mexico. Among famous names like Johnny Depp and, Theres not a clear process on how this research is being conducted or how individuals are singled out for suspicion. [43], Academics Kim TallBear (Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate), Dina Gilio-Whitaker (Colville), Robert Jago (Kwantlen First Nation), Rowland Robinson (Menominee), as well as journalist Jacqueline Keeler (Navajo Nation) and attorney Jean Teillet (great-grandniece of Louis Riel) also name white supremacy, in addition to ongoing settler colonialism, as core factors in the phenomenon. While Indigenous communities have always self-policed and spread word of frauds, mainstream media and arts communities were often unaware, or did not act upon this information, until more recent decades. ", "Why Your DNA Results Didn't Show Your Native American Ancestry", "Native Americans fear potential exploitation of their DNA", "DNA tests stand on shaky ground to define Native American identity", "How 'pretendians' undermine the rights of Indigenous people - We must guard against harmful public discourse about Native identity as much as we guard against harmful policy", "Across North America, academics have allegedly manufactured indigenous identity for personal, professional and financial gain", "The Curious Case of Gina Adams: A "Pretendian" investigation - She was hired by Emily Carr University in an effort to recruit Indigenous faculty. Believe it or not, some non-Indian folks, not steeped in this stuff, dont know what a Pretendian, a Defendian, a Karendian and/or a Kendian are. Mnikwou Lakota poet Trevino Brings Plenty writes: "To wear an underrepresented people's skin is enticing. they have been determined. Taking a key step to advance a project that will transform the campus residential experience and the campus itself UC Santa Barbara has released a notice of preparation for a new student housing development. Stephanie Fryberg is a Tulalip psychologist who received her Master's and Doctorate degrees from Stanford University, where in 2011 she was inducted into the Multicultural Hall of Fame.In the same year, she testified before Senate on Stolen Identities: The impact of racist stereotypes on Indigenous people.She previously taught psychology at the University of Arizona, at the Tulalip Community . People do it to get something they want to stop Indigenous people from closing a land claim, to access hunting and fishing rights, or to gain access to jobs. Keeler references we in many of her posts regarding this list without publicly disclosing exactly who else is involved. The conversation apparently took place during organizing action against Native mascots in sports. Jacqueline Keeler, a Native American writer and activist, created the list to expose the fakers. Pretendians rarely can name any people they are related to in a Native community or in their family tree. But we didnt listen. Yeah, Fake Race Fraud Claims to sell podcasts and books are also Race Fraud. This kind of impersonation can only be carried out by those with immense privilege. [32] Working with other Natives in tribal enrollment departments, genealogists and historians, they began following up on the names many had been hearing for years in tribal circles were not actually Native, asking about current community connections as well as researching family histories "as far back as the 1600s" to see if they had any ancestors who were Native or had ever lived in a tribal community. Stolen identities undermine us to the point where we end up fodder for the tabloids the likes of Daily Mail., Kayla-Wayla (@KaylaWayla20) May 2, 2021. ", scooped Indigenous children from their families, 1867 federal treaty with the Chippewa of the Mississippi, List of unrecognized tribes in the United States, Native Americans in German popular culture, Category:American people who self-identify as being of Native American descent, "Doubts Over Indigenous Identity in Academia Spark 'Pretendian' Claims - Some Canadian universities now require additional proof to back up Indigenous heritage, replacing self-declaration policies", "4. Early life. The term is a pejorative colloquialism, and if used without evidence could be considered defamatory.As a practice, being a pretendian is considered an extreme . Keeler references we in many of her posts regarding this list without publicly disclosing exactly who else is involved. Not the people or communities of the identity being claimed. To people like Bourassa, we are indeed a costume, except one you get to wear all year long and benefit from professionally because it checks that box that was created to even-out the field that cannot ever be evened out just by a box. You might be a pretendian if your star quilt was bought at Target or has Chewbacca on it. This can also negatively impact the actual Native folks listed as relatives and in-laws. ", "Open Letter from Indigenous Women Scholars Regarding Discussions of Andrea Smith", "Rescind Turpel-Lafond's honorary degrees or we'll return ours, say high-profile Indigenous women", "What's So Hard About Casting Indian Actors in Indian Roles? She was 75. UC Santa Barbara making progress on planned student housing development in partnership with visionary philanthropist Charlie Munger. Pretendian: In case you need more proof than Sacheen Littlefeather's listing on Keeler's fictitious Pretendian list that Keeler was attempting to scam Littlefeather. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Native American hotel guest claims white employee mocked her accent during dispute over disabled relative, Indigenous activists to protest Chiefs name, tomahawk chop, Dances with Wolves actor filmed sex assault of child, groomed girls to replace wives: prosecutor, Inside Nathan Chasing Horses alleged long history of sexual abuse. [34], While some people have criticized her for "conducting a witch hunt", Native leaders interviewed by VOA, such as Shawnee Chief Ben Barnes, report Keeler has strong support in Native circles. This is intentional violence. The Alleged Pretendians list now has 90 folks on it. Only Navajo!. Anyway, no one has entrusted Keeler with anything. Exercise caution. They claimed they were all hiding in plain sight due to fears of discrimination, and of course, using the Eugenics Survey of Vermont 1925-1937 as an excuse, hijacking that for gains publicly and politically. For a first-time violation of the Act, an individual can face civil or criminal penalties up to a $250,000 fine or a five-year prison term, or both. Sometimes people exploit this by claiming Native ancestry. The Real Problem With Jacqueline Keeler's 'Alleged Pretendian' List. For example, as communication. Mr. Stevens claims repeatedly that his maternal grandmother was hiding her identity by merely and only using Lillilan/Pauline or Delia as her first name, to avoid the 1931 Eugenics sterilization law of Vermont. Sacheen Littlefeathers image has lived in infamy after she took the stage at the 1973 Oscars to speak on the mistreatment of Native American people in the film industry. of her picture, or even the possibility that the Post took the pic out of context, because Keeler might get angry and seek revenge. I have been personally victimized by pretendian, Linda Bishop, who married my uncle in 2013 and became Linda Black Elk. Apparently her real name is Harsha Patel and she is of Asian Indian descent. As with the Abenakis of Vermont and New Hampshire, the Penobscots, Maliseets, Mikmaqs, nor the Passamaquoddies, let alone the Federally Recognized tribal communities, in the past or present, have ever questioned or even really validated objectively, that these people in Vermont and New Hampshire actually descend from the Abenakis. They are also all monetizing their claims. The Pee Dee tribes in South Carolina are thoroughly documented and are supposed to become federally-recognized soon, along with the Waccamaw tribe. , Keeler went a different routeone that we had been told in advance she might. The reestablishment and exercise of tribal sovereignty among tribal nations (following the era of Indian termination policy) meant that many individuals raised away from tribal communities sought, and still seek, to reestablish their status as tribal citizens or to recover connections to tribal traditions. Required fields are marked *. [] Harm is caused when resources and even jobs go to fakes instead of the people they were intended for. But how I digress, as with Sacheen Littlefeather who sadly passed away recently, there have been plenty of people who insist that she was a woman of Apache and Yaqui Indian ancestry. DNA tests are setting up other problems involving those who discover Native DNA [sic] in their bloodline. She then claims to be Indigenous and to be conducting "research" in order to escape being exposed. Federally recognized Pretendian list co-creator. By. [47], Why do they do it? While some may not be enrolled or citizens they are accepted in their communities and we recognize that these decisions should ultimately be made by the tribes . [21], While Harjo refers to "Native DNA", there is no DNA test that can reliably confirm Native American ancestry, and no DNA test can indicate tribal origin. It is a shame Keeler has refused to listen to a different opinion. The Eugenics didnt target Abenakis, but rather Poor White persons, and families, as well as French-Canadians, and Black families such as the Phelps up in St. Albans, Vermont. Today, the Nulhegan groups leader, Don Stevens has hijacked a 1796 Deed in northern Vermont and New Hampshire, ratified by Louis Metallic in the 1830s, implying that his ancestor Peter Phillips Sr. (1832-1906) and his ancestors were Abenakis connected to that Deed. Their community claims them but this usually centers on the Alleged pretendian list none of their narratives connection. Keeler is apparently going to publish the pretendian list quot ; we suspect that change! Their narratives of connection to the Abenakis was objectively validated by any documentation whatsoever parents with their birth and. A person with enough knowledge of the identity being claimed, 2021 faking Indigenous identity. Anyway, no one has entrusted Keeler with anything are setting up other problems involving who! 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